
Students Annual contest

Where is Weizmann?

 Mid-December 2010 I decided to finally finish pasting Ex Libris on my books at home. All that was left to do was the top shelf in my office, delayed because of my back problem in the summer. I came to "Chaim Weizmann" (Editor: Meir Weisgall, published Yavne, no date) and found a handwritten dedication:

To Mr. Shamir

Who kindly drew Dr. Chaim Weizmann at the national conference of “Friends of the University” On 27/5/47

A. Bavli 23/06/47

I added that work to the list of Shamir works that have yet to be found and started searching.

I called the Friends of the Hebrew University and asked if the drawing is displayed anywhere on campus. A few hours later I was informed by the curator that they checked and no such drawing existed.

I sent an email to Yad Weizmann in Rechovot and got a quick reply - they do not have such a drawing.

So I decided to try to locate Bavli. My thinking was: My father gave the drawing to Bavli and he gave the book to my father.

Ruby knew of a Bavli at the Foreign Ministry. I contacted a former diplomat, our friend Uri Bar-Ner, and he found the telephone number of Mickey Bavli. Mickey was very kind and completely discreet - he did not ask why I am looking for Bavli. E Bavli is in fact Eliezer Bavli, his uncle, who was treasurer of the Jewish Agency (“Sochnut”). He gave me the phone number of his cousin Dan Bavli. Dan did not know if his father was the chairman or a member of Friends of the University, but confirmed that he was involved in many public activities.

There were no drawings of Weizmann among the papers left by his father. His father knew Weizmann when he was chairman of the Jewish Agency and Bavli was its deputy treasurer in the 30s. When the state of Israel was established, his father accepted a call by Eliezer Kaplan and left his Accountancy business to join the Ministry of Finance. The senior officials went to Rechovot to report to President Weizman. "My father was very proud on his return from the meeting” - Dan told me - 'Weizmann shook his hand and said to everyone: “I can trust him”.'

I am giving up the chase for this drawing at this stage and will try to find photographs from the Friends of the University conference. With luck I might find the drawing in one of the pictures.

Yoram Shamir 2010