
Shamir Brothers works are scattered in many collections - public and private, in Israel and overseas. Even the personal collections of the two brothers did not include all their works. Each kept the works he valued as most important or were very close to his heart. This site aims to present the full range of their work in all branches of design which were created over five decades while, at the same time, also track the appearance of their work these days in books, exhibitions, media and the world of collecting. Almost every month a "new" work of theirs that was unknown to us comes to light - a poster, an ad, packaging, Logos. Scholars, curators, archivists and collectors send us scans of such findings which are very welcomed and gratefully received. From press clippings, old photographs and documents we suspect that there may still be hundreds of works yet to be identified residing in collections, archives or just with lovers of nostalgia.
It is not always easy to identify Shamir's work - the brothers changed the way they signed their works several times and even left their signature off some works for reasons that are not clear today. The style also can not easily betray their identity since Shamir brothers did their best to adapt the design to the goals of each client individually. Yet their fingerprints are evident in their use of illustrations and typography (use of original fonts) – the Shamir Style. The Shamir family has given the National Library of Israel permission to use digital copies of works by the Shamir Brothers as part of the Library's International project "Time Travel". The project, conducted in cooperation with the University of California, Los Angeles, makes available to the public historical ephemera materials and collections from around the world through a central portal. Volunteers are invited to provide further details about the materials. Yoram E. Shamir, Editor |